
Momentan sind Playlists für 1.662 Sendungen vorhanden.

Sendung vom 07.09.2014

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 InstituteSalt2:41Salt EPSacred Bones
02 Holy WaveWet and Wild2:37Wet and wild Burger
03 RaThese days3:23These daysRundgäng
04 Die!Die!Die!Crystal3:10SwimSounds of Subterrania
05 Die!Die!Die!Trinity3:03HarmonyGolden Antenna
06 The WytchesSummer again 4:48Annabel Dream ReaderHeavenly
07 Abbatoir BluesBlinded3:41BlindedAbbatoir Blues Records
08 BayyAquarium4:03AquariumBayy Records
09 La Hell GangWhat you want you got it7:29La Hell GangMexican Summer
10 LustLooking Glass4:30Looking GlassCrocodile
11 Lust for YouthEpoetin Alfa3:34InternationalSacred Bones
12 JJHold me4:20VSecretly Canadian
13 YvetteCuts me in half2:22ProcessTough Love

Sendung vom 07.09.2014

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 YvetteRadiation3:10ProcessTough Love
02 Irmler/LiebezeitEin perfektes Paar5:31FlutKlangbad
03 TumidoGubat5:20NomadsInterstellar
04 Adult JazzSpook9:46Gist isSpare thought
05 Schultz & ForeverSilvia 3:26SilviaSchultz Records
06 The Juan MacLean A simple design 7:15In a dreamDFA
07 The DasOperation of chance5:31FreezerSinnbus
08 MorrisseySmiler with knife5:15World Peace is none of your businessHarvest
09 EditorsSmokers outside the hospital doors4:52An end has a startPIAS

Sendung vom 14.09.2014

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 Intergalactic LoversDelay3:51Greeting and saltationsGrand Hotel van Cleef
02 Carnival Kids What do when awake in a dream3:29What do when awake in a dream Warner
03 Spring KingDrummer girl3:50In all this muck & dirtTransgressive Producers
04 Dark HorsesSaturn returns4:01Hail lucid stateSeagull City
05 July TalkHeadsick2:42July TalkSleepless
06 The Fat White Family Is it raining in your mouth?3:52Champagne HolocaustFat Possum
07 The WytchesBurn out the bruise3:16Annabel Dream ReaderHeavenly
08 Esben & the WitchDig your fingers4:38a new natureNostromo
09 Ballet SchoolHeartbeat Overdrive4:48The dew lasts an hourBella Union
10 Blaenevon Into the night3:58BlaenevonGhostjazz
11 The Weatherman Out of my mind3:48The WeathermanTW/SCL
12 CousinsOcean3:50The halls of wickwireBa da Bing!

Sendung vom 14.09.2014

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 Public Service BroadcastingSpitfire!3:58Inform-educate-entertainTest Card
02 GreylagWalk the night4:10GreylagDead Oceans
03 Close talkerBy the lake5:10FluxNevado
04 Sidney YorkWeapons grade love3:443sSidney York Records
05 Boreal Sonsi.spins5:21Bedtown Briar EPBoreal Sons Records
06 ChildhoodFalls away3:13LacunaMarathon Artists
07 Bored nothingIce-cream dreams3:06Ice-cream dreamsCaroline
08 Buttering TrioVoyage2:58ToastRaw Tapes
09 Alcoholic Faith mission Throw us to the wolves4:38Ask me this PonyRec
10 Jenny Wilson Autobiography5:08Demand the impossible!Gold Medal Recordings
11 Einar Stray OrchestaPolitricks3:40PolitricksSinnbus
12 Olöf ArnaldsGerman Fields3:50Sudden ElevationOne liitle Indian

Sendung vom 21.09.2014

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 We were promised jetpacksPeaks and Troughs3:51UnravellingFatCat
02 The WorkhouseThe sky still looks the same3:42The sky still looks the same EPOscarson
03 InterpolMy desire5:01El PintorMatador
04 Karen OBody2:27Crush SongsCult
05 Esben & the WitchNo Dog6:02A new natureNostromo
06 Dark HorsesLive on hunger5:00Hail Lucid StateLast Gang Entertainment
07 Dark HorsesRadio4:49Black MusicLast Gang Entertainment
08 AhrmHeat seaking help3:19AhrmStargazer
09 Edit/SelectLungs5:05Lungs EPEdit/Select Records
10 Einar Stray OrchestraMontreal3:54PolitricksSinnbus
11 Fire Island PinesCandy streets4:35True gritArt is hard
12 HappynessYou come to kill me2:25Everything I do is alright EPWeird smiling

Sendung vom 21.09.2014

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 GoatTalk to God6:39CommuneRocket Recordings
02 Lust for YouthLungomare4:49InternationalSacred Bones
03 Ritual HowlsZemmo5:29Turkish LeatherFelte
04 KalipoYaruto5:20YarutoAntime
05 Blonde RedheadNo more honey3:44BarraganKobalt
06 MirahGold rush5:18Changing LightAbsolute Magnitude Recordings
07 MirahCold cold water5:10Advisory CommitteeK Label
08 AdnaNight4:00NightDespotz
09 Intergalactic LoversNorthern Road4:25Little heavy burdensGrand Hotel van Cleef
10 My Brightest Diamond This is my hand3:46This is my hand Asthamtic Kitty
11 Mirel WagnerThe Devil´s Tongue2:15When the cellar children see the light of daySub Pop

Sendung vom 28.09.2014

Erste Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 The DrumsFace of God4:02EncyclopediaMinor
02 InterpolMy blue supreme3:42El PintorMatador
03 Shiny DarklySoft skin4:47Little EarthCrunchy Frog
04 MazesSalford2:15Wooden AquariumFatCat
05 Brody DalleParties for prostitutes4:34Diploid Love Caroline
06 The History of Apple PieDon´t you wanna be mine4:00Feel SomethingMarshal Teller
07 Ashrae FaxCHKN5:03Never really been into itMexican Summer
08 Alt-JHunger of the pine5:00This is all yoursInfectious
09 GoatGathering of ancient tribes6:18CommuneRocket Recordings
10 GusGusCrossfade5:32MexicoKompakt
11 Lust for YouthInternational3:41InternationalSacred Bones

Sendung vom 28.09.2014

Zweite Stunde

Interpret Titel Zeit von: Album/EP/Single Label S.
01 We were Promised JetpacksPeaks and Troughs3:51Unravelling FatCat
02 We were Promised JetpacksI keep it composed3:50Unravelling FatCat
03 We were Promised JetpacksPeace sign4:06Unravelling FatCat
04 We were Promised JetpacksMoral compass4:27Unravelling FatCat
05 We were Promised JetpacksSafety in Numbers3:38Unravelling FatCat
06 We were Promised JetpacksNight terror4:39Unravelling FatCat